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DM's quest for work
And turn off your phone. Rookie mistake!
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Right? Straight out of a Jackie Chan End Credits NG.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
My surface pro is having issues. Great. Right when I really need to be online so I can telework. The power is recharging intermittently. It dropped out on me yesterday, and more so tonight. And now Microsoft tells me I can’t troubleshoot because I have a ‘loop error’ and I need to contact my app vendor. WhoTF is my app vendor? Feckin Microsoft. So merc-n-retro.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Okay, here's a weird one. I just got invited by the Terra Prime Light Armory (the group that the French Fencing Association is working with to make Lightsaber into an official government-subsidized sport) to be the guest of honor at their gathering. Usually it's a meeting at some retreat, but this year it's on Zoom. I doubt it's compensated but the professor who invited me is a respected friend, and a leader in martial arts research now. He's been working on an ethnography of lightsaber. The kicker is that it's on the 4th of July, which might not work out because I'll be sheltering my pup. But it was a funny offer nonetheless. I'm inclined to do it just for kicks.

I'm the only one in triple digit views for my USAWKF webinar. Only Stephanie has crossed into the 80s, the rest are 25 or under. Next one is July 11 and it's actually an easier topic.

FBU has put a big project into my hands, probably more than can be accomplished in a part time role. That's the one I really want because it's so freakin close. 

Immortal has thrown me some more work and more promotions are on the way. I plan to do something for this on KFM soon. 

Tomorrow is my Zoom interview with Daniel Wu for Den of Geek. I must remember to turn my phone off. I also just got an interview with Hairul Azreem through his agent. I need to turn off my chromebook soon because it's overheating and I'll need it tomorrow.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Well, the interview went okay. The conversation was good but my Zoom dropped out a few times. Not sure why. Merc-n-retro for sure. Chrome made me download some new app for it just prior and maybe that was jamming it, but my editor who was recording it said it all came out fine so we're good. Now I need to do some writing. 

There was a nice Immortal teaser dropped today spotlighting my process for choreographing a comic - that's shared on my facebook.

浪人 = Ronin = wave, wasteful, reckless; man, person
游侠 = Youxia = drift, wander, roam; chivalrous person, knight-errant

Youxia is a better fit but more in my circles know Ronin.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
(06-24-2020, 12:14 PM)Drunk Monk Wrote: FYI
浪人 = Ronin = wave, wasteful, reckless; man, person
游侠 = Youxia = drift, wander, roam; chivalrous person, knight-errant

Youxia is a better fit but more in my circles know Ronin.
Interesting.  Wuxia and youxia are very similar.  I was looking at wikipedia's entry on wuxia and got the following, which I can almost untangle:

The word "wǔxiá" is a compound composed of the elements wǔ (武, literally "martial", "military", or "armed") and xiá (俠, literally "chivalrous", "vigilante" or "hero"). A martial artist who follows the code of xia is often referred to as a xiákè (俠客, literally "follower of xia") or yóuxiá (遊俠, literally "wandering xia").
I'm nobody's pony.
Yep. Same ‘xia’

I was chatting with my boss for Immortal and dropped my Ronin life comment and he said he preferred youxia. 

Btw Greg, the main guy behind Immortal is Peter Shiao. He was the main promoter shindig the Shaolin Summit that you shot for us in 2011. That’s how we knew each other.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Ah. I probably couldn't pick him out of a lineup. But when he needs a documentarian....
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Well, all us azns look alike. I've often been mistaken for Maggie Q.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Isn't a "documentarian" someone whose diet is composed primarily of documents?
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Better than Keto. At least I'm getting my fiber.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

(06-24-2020, 04:04 PM)Dr. Ivor Yeti Wrote: That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Still not buyin it. The QoE bears little resemblance to Maggie compared to me. Even without her feckin glasses. 

Just reviewed the footage from today’s interview. Some solid stuff - I know Daniel we’ll enough to get some good answers that few English interviews have explored yet. Got some good chuckles out of him too as he realized where I was going with my line of questioning. My drop outs can be edited out but my image is blurry and stutters - looks like a bad connection. I blame merc-n-retro again. My image looks like crap but viewers will be looking at Daniel so it doesn’t matter. The dude models skin care products for L’Oréal at Cannes so who would even bother looking at me? Never mind what I said before. All azns do NOT look alike. 

I also appear to be talking only out of the left side of my mouth. How long has that been going on? Bell’s palsy? Micro stroke? I think it’s residual tension from my TMJ. As if I wasn’t asymmetrical enough already. Dang. Also my hair is digressing into a Mao hairdo again, even more exacerbated by ever receding hairline. I gotta go back to donning kids again. Or maybe take on yet another nickname as the chairman.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Shave it. Keep the beard
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
(06-25-2020, 07:52 AM)Dr. Ivor Yeti Wrote: Shave it. Keep the beard

ew. Bro! Wth?

Oh wait, you mean my head. Maybe again after I settle out of Ronin life. Remember that I have that Klingon carapace, like TNG Klingon, not TOS. It makes me look super evil.  

My Daniel Wu piece just expanded into two articles. Not sure if that means more money, but it gives me a shot at the coveted landing page lead piece.

I just got my new charger cord. It's a made-in-China knock-off at 1/5th the price of the official version with solid web reviews. Most importantly, it works.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Living the dream.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm


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