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DM's quest for work
And so it begins...

I sent out a resume for a Social Media position on the recommendation of one of my Kung Fu nephews. It's local here in the Cruz and their needs fit my skills exactly, plus I know the people who would be hiring professionally. It's probably a part time position. 

I had a call with someone who is interested in me from the martial world. He runs an amazing company, one that I have tremendous respect for - one that I've worked with for years. And I never knew the level of this company - they are acheiving many things that I've dreamed about. They are really on point. He doesn't have a position for me yet, but he's got two possibilites for major roles (only 7 full-timers there now) and there's possible part-time work (they keep about 40 people at this level). Only 3 are in his office - the rest are all telecommuters. We're going to follow up at the end of the month after he completes his quarterlies. Our call went for an hour and a half.

Gigi called me to say a major Qigong master has a potential position with a new development. I know her well - she's a bit of a qi vampire. I'll follow up on that just to see but I'm tentative because I don't need no feckin vampires. She's SF based.

Gigi was all excited about development with some bad ideas and realized she forgot to make an announcement in Chinese. She was driving so the conversation was particularly scattered, but I'll probably see her next Tues.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Promising stuff. Your anxiety ratchet down a notch after talking to people? Avoiding vampires are a fricken *must*. You’ve got no bandwidth.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
It's encouraging. I could see working for either of the first two companies. Those are both great fits. 

The qi vampire - not so much. But I will follow up tomorrow out of courtesy.

I just got off the phone from a friend from the Badlands (not Daniel although we've been messaging about the mag closure). He had a contact for me, a mover and shaker here in the Cruz. He's planning to introduce us. 

I've been on the phone for like 3 hours today already. And I'm supposed to call Tara when her class is over in a few minutes.  My ear hurts. 

I got another EDD payment - I need to cancel that as I'm back on the clock with Tiger Claw for two months.

Still anxious. I'll probably be so until a deal is sealed and all of these except that last mover/shaker are martial world options. The martial world is so full of it that I know better than to get my hopes up too high. But there is hope.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I think I sorted my EDD. That is such a stupid site. One of those help windows popped up and I ran through a dozen+ permutations of 'how do I come off furlough?' and the answer bot kept saying 'does not compute'.  Finally asked it the right way and the bot said 'don't fill out your request and it stops.'  Well, alright. Last time I filled it out and I think I may have got overpaid. There's a huge section on overpayments. Maybe I'll read that. I think I'll deposit everything but that potential overpayment - just keep that on the card for a while, just in case.

Played phone tag with the qi vampire. 'qi vampire phone tag' is almost a band name.

As I mentioned on the SIP thread ( had a good chat with the mover&shaker, but it'll be a while until that sees a profit. I haven't read the prospectus he sent yet. Tomorrow probably.

I may have an interview with the social media cruz job over gotomeeting very soon. We're looking at pinning down a time. Fingers crossed. That one is a perfect fit.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Got paid by Imort. Also got paid by TC. 

Monday is a bank run to deposit these, plus my UI.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
i-Mort? Imort? I, Mort?
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
I'm bound to an NDA for Imort (see I'm getting the feeling that this might have been a one-time gig until they get significantly more backing. But they did pay well for the time I spent. So we're good for now there. I hope they have more work for me. 

I hope anyone has more work for me.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Heard back from that qi vampire. It was bullshit, like anticipated. I doubt anything will come of that.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I announced my blog site today - - please subscribe.

I got over 300 views, mostly US, some Canada, UK, Japan, Switzerland, Oz & Italy. Most came from facebook. A whopping 39 followers. Just 19,961 to go before I can be a paid influencer...

I got a little more work from iMort. Just a little...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
(05-19-2020, 04:05 PM)Drunk Monk Wrote: I announced my blog site today - - please subscribe.
A silly question.  Why don't I see the Subscribe button?  LCF tried it on her laptop, saw a big Subscribe button, and is now subscribed (or soon will be).  She's got a Wordpress account, is likely logged in, and says maybe that's the difference.

Or did I already subscribe and have forgotten I did?  And maybe the button disappears for followers.

Feeling ever more technologically inept...
I'm nobody's pony.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
No idea. This is all new to me too.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
74 followers now. I've got some content lined up. I'll post tomorrow.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

I think today's interview went well. I'm very hopeful. This would be a perfect position for me. It's local and well within my wheelhouse. I'll disclose more as things progress...don't wanna jinx it. I will say that trying to learn gotomeeting while doing a job interview has its challenges. 

iMort job went okay. I made enough for groceries. I was pretty jacked from the job interview, so I dropped a lot of wisdom that seemed well received, but you can only do so much via ZOOM. We're migrating to Slack next. So many freakin meeting apps.

Of course, right in the middle of this, I get some calls and texts, plus some social media stuff to viral from TC. For a fleeting moment, it felt like a work day. 

87 followers on my blog. Posted yesterday, but it was a test post, as the next one will be. I have a more original post following that.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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