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Man at Arms: Art of War
Just got in a crazy hysterical debate about Star Wars with several of the other experts. It was a day early because tomorrow is May the Fourth. Today is going quite well.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
A bee swarm landed in our lunch area so everything had to be moved into the studio - which is being emptied as the last scenes are being shot. There was more drama about the sword fight that I was a back up person for and for a moment, they were looking at me to step in again, but it got resolved in a different way. 

Marko Zaror has wrapped. Danny Trejo wrapped yesterday. With each passing moment, my world returns to mundane.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
What? No frickin wrap party?

I call BS.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Later. Haven’t wrapped yet. Just some of us have wrapped our individual parts. We still have a few more hours.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

the wrap party is tomorrow night after all the talent leaves. WTF?!?
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Just finished our last cast dinner. Most likely, I'll only see DaMon and his gf Selah on the out tomorrow.  Our flights are about the same time so our airport pick-up is the same.  The BK&S guys leave really early so it's unlikely we will cross paths.  The Ironsides (new experts this season) leave late.  

The drama swirled mostly around Crystal, but there was clearly a lot of tension with Defy.  Some crew knew that this was their last hurrah, but such is Hollyweird. Defy Media is going through some changes (layoffs) and we won't really know who survives until Monday.  One major player for our show is definitely out, and she will be sorely missed because she is super cool.  Not sure how that might play into our show.  Defy has a contract with BK&S for now, and the El Rey deal is through that.  Everyone seemed happy about how the shoot went over the last two weeks, and I think we got a lot of great stuff - this season is definitely up a notch - but it's all up to the parent companies. As for Crystal's drama, there was a possible factor playing in that I may have completely missed brought up at our cast dinner - we'll know if that theory is true soon enough.  I'm usually sensitive to this sort of thing, but I was struggling to stay focused on my own inner turmoil from all of the chaos swirling around me personally, so it was like blinders for much of it, especially that first week.

I got majorly schooled on web virulence by the M@A crew - that shall prove useful with KFTC's online presence.  That was a bonus take-home.

Regarding my ridiculous hotel room for the past dozen nights, I only used one of the showers, closets, and bureaus, a few glasses and cups, none of the plates, no microwave, dishwasher or stove, none of the TVs.  I have over a cup of Powers left in the bottle.  I doubt I'll finish that in the next 12 hours.  I'll pass along what's left to our driver.  

Messages from my Lam Kwoon family have been steadily increased.  Now the trip home and the transition from reality TV star to mourner.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Just checked out of my palatial hotel room.  I wound up using the other shower this morning just because.  Turns out it was nicer than the tub.  Shoulda been using that all along.  I also turned on one of the TVs last night to watch a bit of the Phantom Menace - after all, today is Star Wars Day.  It quickly put me to sleep.

I'm now waiting in the lobby for our last shuttle to take me to LAX.  DaMon and Selah are riding with me.  I'll pass the remainder of the whiskey to the driver. Sort of sad that they switched drivers for this last ride because I would've wanted it to go to our main driver.  But as long as it doesn't go to waste, I'm good. 

Been having some severe leg cramps over the last few days.  I've been eating well overall, and yesterday I just sat around watching stuff and snacking.  Not sure what's up with that.  

Once again, it was an extraordinary experience and it'll take me a while to process it all.  Made lots of new friends and contacts.  I have no idea how it'll all look in the final cut, especially because I wasn't nearly as tuned in to the other 5 episodes that i wasn't in, so I'm really looking forward to when it airs.  But that's a long time from now. 

I'm eager to get home.

[Image: 31776072_10211600433428263_9194294975116...e=5B9451B2]
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Back in the bay. Back to being a normal person instead of the ‘talent’.  Now sitting in Keplers for their WiFi and will go over to the guild for a movie while Stacy takes care of some Menlo clients.

The driver had a Dali tattoo and was really delighted to get my leftover Powers. We talked whiskey & Dali for the few miles but nearly half an hour to get to LAX.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Is Danny Trejo writing an autobiography? I really want to read it. His life must be so amazing no one would believe it.

This is from IMDB but deserves a full treatment:

Danny Trejo was born Dan Trejo in Echo Park, Los Angeles, to Alice (Rivera) and Dan Trejo, a construction worker. A child drug addict and criminal, Trejo was in and out of jail for 11 years. While serving time in San Quentin, he won the lightweight and welterweight boxing titles. Imprisoned for armed robbery and drug offenses, he successfully completed a 12-step rehabilitation program that changed his life. While speaking at a Cocaine Anonymous meeting in 1985, Trejo met a young man who later called him for support. Trejo went to meet him at what turned out to be the set of Runaway Train (1985). Trejo was immediately offered a role as a convict extra, probably because of his tough tattooed appearance. Also on the set was a screenwriter who did time with Trejo in San Quentin. Remembering Trejo's boxing skills, the screenwriter offered him $320 per day to train the actors for a boxing match. Director Andrey Konchalovskiy saw Trejo training Eric Roberts and immediately offered him a featured role as Roberts' opponent in the film. Trejo has subsequently appeared in many other films, usually as a tough criminal or villain.
[Image: magpie13.gif]
I know, right? Danny never ceases to inspire me. His life story really needs to be told. He is so present in everything thing he does, so giving. And he has a razor sharp wit. He’d floor the entire cast and crew with his random quips. Getting to hang with him for two weeks was truly a blessing.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
ED you never cease to amaze me. Nice prophetic post. Next tell us some lotto numbers.

Quote:71 years in the making, Inmate #1: The Rise of Danny Trejo is the feature documentary experience revealing the extraordinary life journey of Hollywood's most unlikely hero, Danny Trejo. From an early life of drugs, armed robbery and hard prison time, to the red carpets of Hollywood blockbusters and helping troubled addicts. Danny gives a first hand account of one of the greatest transformations of human character ever put to film. To this day, Danny continues to council recovering addicts and speak at state prisons. After 46 years of sobriety, he never forgets his roots and pays forward that which has been bestowed on him. Having spent 71 years starring in a personal expedition that outshines any Hollywood fiction, Inmate #1: The Rise of Danny Trejo, is the shocking story of one mans capacity to overcome his demons, only to discover redemption through the most unlikely of journeys. Through the exploration of his old stomping ground and the supporting cast of family, friends and some of the worlds biggest stars, join Danny Trejo as he delivers a raw and sobering account of his transformation from a hardened criminal, to celebrated Hollywood icon and beloved friend of all who cross his path.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I've seen the rough cut of the Japanese episode.  There's a lot more of me as a talking head because this season, the guest professors have been eliminated.  Feedback was that there were too many talking heads in Season 1, so all of that now falls on me and Da'Mon.  Of course, I'm more prominent on the Asian episodes because I'm the token Asian, at least that's how it played out last year, so we'll see if Japan is atypical in terms of my increased exposure.  But there is a lot more of me and they've edited me down so I sound much more intelligent than I am, for which I'm very grateful. 

I've now been recognized twice.  

The first was at Back-A-Yard, my fav Jamaican place in Menlo, where I stopped to grab a bite on the way to Tom's memorial last week.  I was wearing my El Rey lid, and the guy at the counter commented on how much he enjoyed El Rey's programming, especially the Kung Fu marathons, and I mentioned that I was a star on Man at Arms and he looks at me for a moment and then gets all excited when he recognizes me.  He didn't give me any extra plantains or anything tho.  I thought stars were supposed to get extras like that.

The second was at CVS outside of Cali Roots when I was picking up some supplies and snacks.  Again, someone recognized my lid, an old dude who was buying a quart of cheap vodka.  He's clearly an alcoholic, and tells me to ask Danny Trejo if he remembers the pig roast at some NA meeting they were both at some 20 years ago or something.  As if I have Danny's digits on speed dial or something.  

I gotta wear my El Rey lid more often.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
So Univision and Sling are arguing over $, so El Rey (and other Univision offerings) are no longer on Sling.

In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Dammit! Now what?
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Seeing lots of complaints on soc-med this morning about the Sling drop. El Rey hasn't updated their site yet.  M@A:AoW S2 probably won't drop until October so there's time.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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