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Charles De Lint
It's the Little Countries fault. The only thing about the book I remember is that I liked it. I read Manitou. I read others. But I never really liked them. The whole urban fantasy novels are wasted on me.

I guess the shadow of the Little Countries and the fact I had a gift card, made me pick up Widdershins. More fantasy in Newford (Ottowa). Your either in the know about magic or your amazed when it happens.

This story is about Lucy and Gordy. Both of whom have loved each other without realizing it for decades. They get caught about in a battle between the Native American Gods and the European fairies who came over on the boat when we emigrated here. The world will end if something doesn't speak sensibly to both parties.

Fortunately, Lucy and Gordy are both trapped miles from the action. Lucy is in a world inside her own adolescent head. Gordy is a pile of leaves. The main thrust is that the world ending story must be resolved so all those characters can go rescue Lucy and Gordy. Of course, they are too late and Gordy and Lucy rescue themselves. They just needed to look inside themselves to find the strength to battle their demons. It's all very fey and too one note. I might have to read the Little Country again to remember.

Still, I have library and they have other Charles De Lint books and maybe there is something in them I could like. He wrote horror novels. I could try that.

Mulengro is about the Rom or gypsies. One bad Rom, Mulengro, has the power over ghosts and when it gets dark or the half hour after noon, he can use their power to kill Rom who have strayed from the path. Straying from the path means getting too familiar with the non-Rom or Gage.

It's a story about being true to your own culture. No, it's a story about not being so insular. How we've all got to work together to battle the demons that surround us. It's a story about witches. It's about musicians. Jesus Christ, they are always about musicians. And not just any old musicians, great musicians.

There was good creepy stuff. Ghosts that won't die. Throats being torn apart in a swirl of fog and madness. But if I may paraphrase Kevin Smith, it's a book about running. They run from Ottowa (Newford) to the suburbs. They run from the suburbs to a protected wilderness.

Finally, all the pieces are in place for a big show down. Mulengro ( Mule are ghosts and he controls the Mule) tracks down the Gypsies he wants to kill and their Canadian helpers. And in two lines, the battle is over and Mulengro is dead. I got whip lash it happened so fast.

At the end of the book, pretty much everyone was dead except for the one gypsy witch and Dr. Dulcimer.

Again, I think I have to reread The Little Country
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
Dr. Yeti's Happy Time Fun Tips:

Greg, don't bother reading Charles DeLint ever again. Ever. You don't like his stuff. Just stop it.

Gene, don't see any more Bruce Willis films unless they have been vetted by El Dingo, Dr. Bob, HK, and myself. You only get a few movies/year, so you hafta make 'em count. Oh, hell, just don't see any Bruce Willis movies at all. Why take the risk?
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Oh to be a blissfully happy yeti, where Bruce Willis is entertaining...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Mongo simple creature. Mongo also like bald man for hero. Mongo simple.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
I always thought you were more into bears. Remind me to keep my distance if I shave at Shaolin again.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
If you were in Shaolin, you'd be in China. And we know that's not going to happen! Mad

I still weep for my lost China Summer. It's enough to want to be bald.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit

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