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"Up in Honey's Room" by Elmore Leonard
Although it includes the main character from "The Hot Kid," this isn't really a sequel so much as a re-do of the same basic theme, only this time using wannabe-Nazi spies in America in April of 1945 vs. wannabe Prohibition-era gangsters. Silly, unbelievable, and ridiculously self-congratulatory. There's never any real danger or drama; the hero, Carl Webster is as indestructible and morally unassailable as Honor Harrington. But, if you suspend all desire for a well written story and settle for a decent yarn, it was good enough. Well, good enough to keep me going for a couple hours of the 6½-hour plane ride from Newark to L.A.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.

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