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Alborosie @ Cat 4/14/18
A good friend kicked me down a ticket & a shrimp taco. Wasn’t going to go but Stacy urged me to get out. Walked there and back again. The walk back was delicious - quiet, cool sea air - an aftershow treat.

Earl zero & pure Roots- earl is cool. An elder who still high kicks and chants upful & right. The trumpet player is Marty McFly. And that makes it better when you realize that.

Tribal theory - a Boy George echo, but totally buff Latino, w/ a machine gun rapper - would’ve been better with more rap.

Alborosie - he cancelled a show earlier this week. Might be tour ill. Took lots of breaks. But killed a few tunes like his signature sibilidowndown. 

Enjoyable night - made me feel a bit old because it was mostly 20s crowd. Full but not too crowded, not tight. Honestly I think the best part was the walk home. That crisp fresh quiet was the perfect nitecap for one more Saturday night.

Actually no - perfect nitecap is some Jameson Black Barrel and petting the cat.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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