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Kymani Marley & Van Halen @ Oracle 12/22/007
Kymani is one of the younger sons of Bob (although Damian is younger) and he's the least interesting musically. He does a few mediocre covers of his father and then some lover's rock tunes of his own which all suck. I hate lover's rock.

As for VH, they still got it. It was the first time I've seen Roth with the band and there's an amazing gestalt between his clown act and Eddie's licks. Eddie's sound defined a generation and he's still got chops. Roth did some kung fu, which was very amusing, as always. Alex was solid. Wolfgang looked like a chubby, pimply Valerie with balls, but could handle his guitar just fine for the show.

DM and LB worked. We had to notable incidents. One was we ran into some dude that worked with us (and ED, Mrs. ED and the former Mrs. LB) at the quad. DM couldn't remember who he was, but he remembered us. It was a quarter century ago. Thankfully LB remembered and helped hold up the awkward conversation. Talk about a flashback. We knew him when VH were gods. Apparently the Quad crew has had some reunion parties. Too weird. Anyway, we're invited to the next one. ED, you should come. The other was a 'psych' call and DM and LB were dispatched. The guy was having a diabetic crash. The OPD stormtroopers in their head-2-toe black leather took him down hard, planting his face on the back edge of a seat and leaving a massive bruise across his cheek - brutal, unnecessary and potentially unlawful. They wouldn't let us take him out of restraints until we convinced them that we needed the stretcher. Once we got him some candy and soda, he was fine.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
As mentioned before, my family has taken to leaving traps for me when I come home late. It amuses them to no end. It's very Kato/Inspector Clouseau and reminds me of an early screenplay of Greg's. For VH, there was no trap. I fell into the trap of spending the night looking for the trap. A mindfuck, completely premeditated. That's what I'm up against now.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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