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SF Symphony @ Davies 12/15/007
We still have 2nd row seats, only this time on stage left, right near the double basses. I love standing bass. It's one of the warmest, deepest instruments of all. This is now my 2nd fav seat in the house (1st is behind the kettle drums, but we have to wait for some one to die before we can get back to those seats).

Timothy Muffitt was conductor. First was Tchaikovsky's Romeo & Juliet, which was great for our seat since it's so bass heavy - a classic piece, very beautiful. Second was Anton Nel, piano soloist for Rachmaninoff’s Second Piano Concerto. The seats were horrid for piano, except every once in a while we'd see Nel's head bob up and down. It was beautifully executed but a bit complex for me to follow. Still, it was nice to have something not as pop.

After that, it was over to the Warfield for more adventures.
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