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you've heard of ear candling, butt...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
"...If we're talking about a really hairy bottom there is some risk of folicular ignition and special caution must be exercised..."
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
not only do you get your colon clean, you get a brazilian wax. Confusedhock:
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I found this article about Anal Bleaching in Crappers Quarterly.

Crapper's Quarterly
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
Anal bleeching is popular with carpenters, isn't it? ISN'T IT?!
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
It's only for those who excell at ass crack exhibition.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
I've heard about the new great white valley exhibit on Universal tour Tongue
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Actually, I've left the tour and I'm know hanging out with Beyonce Knowles. I feel I've traded up.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit

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