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Fists of Furry
It started innocently enough.

Lady Cranefly agreed to help out a kung fu friend who needed a drummer for a martial arts performance. The thing is, the performance was to take place at a furry convention. A little weird, but most of our friends are weird. And though the Lady was hesitant at first, she finally agreed, seeing it as an opportunity to earn some karma points. She didn't dress up, by the way. She just wore a nice kung fu outfit. The performance went off pretty well, from what I've heard.

And that was that. End of story. Right?


A week later she brought home some material and started sewing this long-horned sheep costume. It's actually quite impressive, but a little disturbing as well. With the horns she's taller than me, and the horns are sharp -- all of which I find intimidating.

Still a week later, a package came in the mail. It was a platypus costume. Very nice fur, I admit, but again a bit disturbing.

Anyway, it soon became apparent that the Lady expected me to become a platypus while she became a long-horned sheep. I can only hope that this is winning me a few karma points.

The nights are a lot longer these days. And it's always a struggle for me to, uh, perform. But I've discovered that when my interest starts to flag, all I have to do is visualize Tom Brady and then I'm good to go.

I'm nobody's pony.
This thread needs pictures
[Image: platysheep.jpg]
[Image: magpie13.gif]
...anyone else here just a little disturbed by how quickly he accessed those pics? like he just pulled them out of his library.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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