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Spin by Robert Charles Wilson.
He wrote Darwinia. He wrote the Chronoliths. I didn't care for either book. Fortunately, I couldn't remember that when I bought this book. It won this years Hugo award for novel, so I thought I would give it a try.

The earth is encased in a membrane that separates it from the march of time outside the membrane. Which means for the earth's inhabitants, the earth will die out in aproximately fifty years rather than four or five billion year. The story revolves around how the earthlings will deal with this fact. Some turn to science to fight the membrane encasing the earth. Others turn to religion to deal with their impending doom.

It's a pretty science heavy read, but quite enjoyable. The interpersonal relationships between the protagonists balances the theoretical science talk quite nicely. And it does pose a lot of interesting questions.

The ending was a bit weak after chapters of build up but it did keep in tone with the rest of the book. Ah, hard science fiction.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
Haven't read any of his novels, but his short story collection The Perseids was very good. All the stories were connected to a bookstore, and most were sort of Stephen King-ish. The opening story was disturbing.
the hands that guide me are invisible

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