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snails and slugs
Well, it's that time of year. A bit of a garden. Seeds germinating, fresh seedlings everywhere.
So. I killed 400 snails and slugs over the past 2 days.
And they won.
In Buddhism, do snails and slugs count as living things? Okay, I already know the answer. This is one of those rhetorical questions, and I already know that I just ate a huge dekarma apple.
Lady Cranefly helped, by the way. She stood out near the garden pointing. "There, there's another one. Oh, and one over there. Ewh, a big one by your left foot!"
In the middle of her assistance, she also made this grudging admission: "So this is what men are good for. Dealing with something like this."

I don't hate snails and slugs. I'd rather not kill them. But this is ridiculous. All I need is for one of my 50 zucchini plants to pull through. Do you think they'll give me that? No-ooooh.

Not that I particularly like them either. I mean, things that slither like that are just hideous.

Well, almost all things that slither like that.

I'm nobody's pony.
One minutes, it's death to slugs in the garden, the next it's wierd boneless women who could do with a proper meal. I'd say stick to the topic, but I don't know what is the topic.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
I would like to formally apologize for drifting off topic.

It won't happen again. Trust me. I know what I'm doing.

I'm nobody's pony.
I checked my garden again this morning. There were another 15 or so flexible girls in my beer traps. I rounded them up and packed them into my Prius and headed for the Society for Providing Flexible Girls with Backbones.

I should have put them in a cage, because they were all over the car. It's a wonder I didn't have an accident. Then, when I got to the Society for Providing Flexible Girls with Backbones, wouldn't you know it. There was a line of 30 cars. It's that time of year, you know.

Anyway, while waiting, I played Twister with the flexible girls. That turned out to be a big mistake. I mean, there's no way you can win. Still, it did have its sensual elements. The problem is, I just never could let go of the knowledge that they had eaten all my zucchini plants.

Flexible girls didn't use to be a problem. It's all drunk monk's fault. Him and his vegetarian preachings. Back in my day, flexible girls stayed where they belonged: out in the fields with the cows, in the coops with the chickens, in the pens with the hogs. But not anymore. Because of drunk monk and his evil ideas, I have to deal with flexible girls every morning.

Every. Single. Morning.

I'm nobody's pony.
Whole Earth Foods?

I guess you skipped the whole, if you grow it they will come lesson?
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
Don't believe CF. I never share my flexible girls...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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