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It's one of Greg's pet names for me. A Beatles reference? Not.

It's ScarJo, who I would watch floss her teeth, but regret watching her in this. Luc Besson, who has delivered some fine Euro-Ultravi in the past, tries to go all psychedelic and profound. He even tosses in Morgan Freeman to make it seem more profound. What might happen if ScarJo could access 100% of her brain? Lucy is more of a reference to the australopithecus Lucy than the one in the sky with diamonds, although Besson flails at having a Tree of Life/Koyaanisqatsi/Altered States cinematic moment splicing in panoramic global scenes with Freeman narrating. ScarJo gets her mystic powers but they are ill-defined, a classic case of 'oh, you can knock out all of the henchmen with a flick of your wrist but you can't nail the evil leader?' This is one of those films that make you angry - the filmmakers had so much at their disposal: A-list actors, great effects, great locations, and it is all frittered away into a horrid mess.

I had been warned. A good friend and fellow film fan said 'it sucks'. But the thought of seeing ScarJo floss her teeth seduced me. What a tease. There was no flossing. I feel so used.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I feel used just reading your review. But thanks. I've been tempted to check this out, despite the tell-tale crappy trailers. You've now given me a booster shot of resistance. Just not certain how long it's good for.
I'm nobody's pony.
I jumped on this grenade for you and now have a gaping hole in my belly.

srsly, it's really bad. even flossing wouldn't have saved this one.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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