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Sumo soap opera. It’s engaging, with a lot of gears shifts. It felt more like K-drama than Japanese series sometimes. I’m in.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
E3 got kinky. Disturbing Japanese kink. Ew

Enno is a punk but his mom is over the top. 

What I like about this is the training and the matches. It’s a deep look into one of thr most elusive martial arts. Many of thr actors are real sumo wrestlers. They’re huge and terrifying. The sparring is intense. Just the abound of those gargantuan bodies clashing makes me wince. Good fight choreo!
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Two more eps deep and still enjoying this thoroughly. The characters are well developed and relatable. It captures the pecking order of a martial arts school (here called a stable) and the dynamics between students. There's a story arc about a champion with a bad knee that resonates. 

But it's still the fights that really intrigue me. I've seen live sumo once, a long time ago, when I was very young. When these fighters clash, the impact is palpable. 

I'm over halfway through now.

D00M recommended.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Seen. The finale was a painful cliffhanger. It’s the rematch of the main protag against his biggest rival. Both characters are troubled, haunted by the sins of their dysfunctional mothers so much that their angst is sympathetic. The season finale ends right as their match begins. All I can say is that there better be a gawddammed season 2.

Despite to sucker punch finale, I’m still impressed by what this show achieves. It captures modern Japan with rich complex characters and engaging story arcs. But most of all it reveals the glory and budo of sumo. The rituals, while not always explained, are elegant and beautiful and so very martial. Loved that. The retirement ritual of cutting the topknot had me in tears - such a powerful moment. 

I stand behind my D00M rec with the spoiler caveat that it ends on a dangling note.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Caught about ten minutes of the first episode while the Queen stepped out to debur Maeve. I don't think I need to see that much man flesh.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Oh you do

You need to see more

It’ll make you feel better and worse about your physique at the same time.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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