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Accident Man (2018)
This is a Scott Adkins vehicle based on some Brit comic book I think. It’s like a UK poor man’s John Wick. Instead of the posh continental, the assassins group at a pub and instead of classy international hitpeople in tailored suits, it’s more common blokes in casual wear. 

Adkins is a leather clad biker assassin who makes his hits look like accidents. This is his creation story and a pivotal moment when his squad must hunt him down. It has its tongue planted firmly in cheek in that crass Brit way - plenty of f bombs, dry black humor, and brit sass. It’s got bollocks. Sanguineous. And a sword fight. Yay.

It has a caricature comic book style with cartoonish characters and narration by Adkins. He stacks the deck with some top notch fighters: Michael Jai White (who I hardly recognized), Amy Johnston (in a meaty role for her), Roger Yuan (sorely underused) and our buddy Ray Park (in a fun role for him). When this crew mixes it up with Scott, there’s some fine high kicking choreo.

I enjoyed the sense of humor and the solid fight scenes. It vaccinates between expanding pools of blood and kinetic combat with over a dozen moves per single shot - filmed with good shaky cam - swirling cinematography that accentuates the action instead of obscuring it. The fight pieces are the centerpieces.

It’s a good role for Adkins, who is a machine when it comes to turning out good fight scenes - he’s so productive that I’m way behind on his work. It’s solid B films, a cut above grindhouse and his choreo is always superb ultravi with skilled stunt people.

D00M recommended.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I'm not watching any movie that vaccinates.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm


Not gonna fault spelchuk for this swap. Vaccination is much more in fashion than vacillation. It’s an honest bot duck up, unlike the taylor swift ticket debacle.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Accident Man: Hitman’s Holiday (2022)

A true sequel. This picks up shortly after the previous film and our antihero is back in the biz, but relocated to scenic Malta. By chance, he runs into his old accomplice Finicky Fred and they team up for more hits. They build a Q-like lab to test out their latest assassination devices but then circumstance place Fallon (Adkins) in the awkward position of protecting a spoiled brat kid of a crime boss. Then Fallon has to fight off other assassins, and one is a mad clown with a hammer that has a cinder block for a head. Yeah, more over the top ultravi.

The choreo and choreo cinematography is on point. With even less of a plot. It’s all action and Adkins fights duel after duel with other assassins. It’s just enough threadbare plot to hold together tremendous fight scenes, which is all we ask of this franchise now.

Adkins was born to play Mike Fallon. It’s a perfect fit (mind you - I never read the comic. Adkins’ martial skill along with his comic timing are on point.

As an aside, he hires a female martial arts champ to be like Kato and surprise attack him to keep his edge. I’ve met her. Siu-Lin is played by Sarah Chang, a former wushu champ. I would not have recognized her because it’s been years, but she was on the US team several times and I heard she got into stunt work. This film showcases her well.

D00M recommended but you must see the first one first. If you like the first one, you’ll enjoy the sequel. It’s more heightened ultravi - impressive in its unapologetic unabashed gratuitous violence.

Seen on Hoopla
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
AM #1 was a hoot. You called it: John Wick, but for The Lads. The choreography in his movies is really solid and this was right up there. I really liked the long takes. I’d like to see a blooper reel.

I’ll tune into AM #2 prolly tomorrow. After I watch Peripheral
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Forgot to mention that there is a sword fight - another katana - plus a ratchet & hatchet v cudgel. 

I’ll add that Adkins pulls off the male v female fights really well. Equal rights fights.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

It has spoilers. I hate that. 

Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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