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RIP Peter Chan
(10-07-2021, 04:13 PM)Drunk Monk Wrote: I got some terrible news today. Master Peter Chan had a brain aneurysm last night. He's in ICU and they are waiting for his son to fly in before they pull the plug. He's already brain dead. 

Greg, you surely photographed Peter. He always judged at TCEC. He was an odd one - his accent often made him to appear kind of slow. But he was well loved by the community and generous with contributing his time. I spoke with Master David DeJesus, who is a very good friend of Peter's, and another stalwart TCEC judge. Peter was always helping out Master Chiu Chi Ling.
(10-07-2021, 06:47 PM)Greg Wrote: Oh no. He was with CCL, wasn't he?
(10-07-2021, 07:56 PM)Drunk Monk Wrote: Yep. Always stood right in front of the lion dance, spoiling photo ops.
(10-07-2021, 08:24 PM)Greg Wrote: That's terrible. Very young.

Peter passed sometime around 2 AM today. He's one of those guys that I've known in the wulin forever. I didn't know him well to be honest. Beyond his connection to Chiu Chi Ling, I'm not sure what other styles he practiced. He was a good friend of another friend of mine, David DeJesus, who has been keeping me in the loop on what happened. Apparently he felt bad on Wednesday night, threw up and passed out. When he didn't rouse, the ambulance came and his aneurysm was diagnosed when he got to the ER. He was already brain dead but they kept hi on life support until his son could fly in and be present at bedside. Peter was on a heart med, but I don't know the details. It was all very sudden and shocking.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
For me, he was the guy who ran the lion dances. I was looking for some video of him to post but it was mostly him yelling at the kids.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

They aren't providing me with a lot of intel about Peter. His wife Amy only provided this:

Funeral 10/16/21 3:30 Alameda Funeral and Cremation Service , 1415 Oak St. Alameda CA 94501. Debating about attending.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Fucking Chiu Chi Ling. Hasn’t even mentioned Peter in any of his self absorbed social media posts. Peter drove him around everywhere voluntarily out of his respect for the lineage. CCL always treated him like his personal slave. And now? Silence...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I thought that was odd that CCL was posting CCL stuff on his FB with no mention of Peter. Very sad.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm


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