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Moana 2016
It's Disney. It's good. The Rock does a great job as Maui, the demigod. I liked his song 'Thank you' so much I had to listen to it again. I have probably inadvertently released an ear worm into my head.

It's a great story of empowerment for young girls, I'm thinking. And it shows the drift of the Disney Princess icon. Before they had to be saved, now they are taking charge of their own lives.

The story was fine. The animation was good. I also enjoyed Flight of the Concords, Jemaine Clement as the Crab singing 'Shiny' 

Lots of Easter Eggs of other Disney films that I kept spotting, too.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Goddamn ear worm Disney songs. I've got 'Stranded on this island' running through my head infinitum.

As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Oddly I wasn't as taken by this as Greg. Maybe it was because I'm sick and my Netflix kept crashed every 15 minutes or so then I'd have to reboot, fast fwd past the crash point, and the. Re-engage. The animation was lush and gorgeous. The plot was typical Disney, perhaps even a little flatter than usual. Needed more obstacles. The music was too broadway but then it seemed to crash most during the songs so maybe I'm not giving it a fair viewing (I do feel Hamilton is overrated even though I haven't seen it yet). The Polynesian culture felt a little too tiki room. Tara and my mom saw it previously and liked it. Needed a sword fight.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
It had three really good songs, that stayed with me. That hasn't happened in a while.

I keep trying to like Hamilton, but it's not sticking although I do like the Congressional rap battle.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Was not that impressed. It looked great (of course) but I wonder why they made Maui so ugly. Couldn't they have made him look more like the Rock? And I wasn't grabbed by the songs. In particular the crab's song could have been cut. That whole sequence could have been shorter. It was a bit too video-gamey. And the idea that the islanders used to be voyagers but just gave it up was pretty silly. I did like the rooster.

On the other hand, the stuff Maui tells Moana about wayfinding was accurate - see the book Wayfinders by Wade Davis for a thorough and very interesting discussion. (Never reviewed it here because I only read that one section of it.)
the hands that guide me are invisible

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