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Jack Reacher
Tom gets to be super cool and cocky, and do superhero sorts of secret agent stuff. Rosamund does an impression of Jenna Elfman crossed with Candice Bergman. Herzog gets to be caricaturishly evil. Pretty typical rogue agent/conspiracy set up fare. Seems very tongue-in-cheek on Cruise's part, but perhaps not intentionally so. Nevertheless, it was entertaining. Good fights. Funny and violent. The fights sold me.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
A very Yeoman effort. Got to be cartoony when Duvall showed up towards the end. but I liked it. A good way to while away the evening.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
This is one of those rare cases where the sequel bests the original. Good characters, especially Cobie, who plays a strong female not a damsel in distress, and Danika, who does get in some distress but is smart about dealing with it. It's a fairly predictable film, but the pacing is tight and most of the stuff in the trailer is pretty early in the film, so the spoilers are minimal. Fights were choppier, one punch = one cut, but acceptable, even funny in heir ultravi akin to the original. I'm always amused when heroes block attacks with another attackers body. Some spyish ridiculousness but it's all in good fun. Stacy actually thought here was too much Tom, which made me wonder if she had been replaced by aliens for a moment, but she had a point. But still, I find Tom amusing in these sort of action roles, even if he plays them all the same, mostly because he's our age (good thing they don't test actors for steroids).
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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