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The death of Grandaddy
When I was a youngster I bought lots of Bauhaus albums. I listened to them untl each song became a quick-fix for angst and depression.

Then they broke up.

Some members re-formed as Tones on Tail and later as Love and Rockets, but without Peter Murphy I would never see them live (until their desperation tours).

The same thing has happened with Grandaddy. These fuckers are from goddam Modesto and haven't played live in the Bay Area since 2004. That hasn't stopped them from touring Europe and releasing an album in February 2006, but apparently it was a last hurrah and they are currently dispersed.

I dropped a track from the sublime 'The Sophtware Slump' on my 'Mark Annoys DOOM' compilation to give you a taste of the awesomeness of this band.

Anyway. I downloaded a PIRATED COPY OF THE ADVANCE "Just Like the Fambly Cat" (god - I love being a pirate...I have the new Flaming Lips album if anyone is interested) and am floored by the sheer brilliance of these guys.

Yes - I will buy the CD when it is releassed. These guys deserve every cent they can get.

Next DOOM gathering I will distribute a 'Grandaddy Greatest Spurts' CD to make my point.

El Dingo
Anyway, I am very sad so I posted my sadness.

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