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Breath by James Nestor
A Pop science book, mixed with the author trying various things. Short bios of some of the important people. A quick read and fairly entertaining, and you can learn about some breathwork methods you might want to try (although look online for better instruction on the Wim Hoff method). The quick takeaway is that mouth breathing is bad for you - the book starts with an experiment of forced mouth breathing, and the author's blood pressure goes way up, and he snores and has apnea, which all get better after he can nose breathe again. He tries a bunch of stuff, so some things get short shrift, for example a set of exercises called "The Five Tibetans" which he mentions doing, but says nothing about any effects from them. Either follow through or edit it out.

Entertaining and you can learn a little, plus a quick read. I got through the whole thing in an afternoon. Still in hardcover, so I'd recommend getting it from the library if you're interested.
the hands that guide me are invisible

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