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Apprentice Witches
ive been exploring free China-made movies on YouTube. There are many channels (they come with ads) and it’s a lot of made for tv stuff, most without subs. 

Interesting note - YouTube allows anyone to write subs for unsubbed movies. It’s tempting to wants up Tiger Lily sub some flicks but they do have a complaint functional so I’d probably get my hit account blocked for it eventually (plus it’s a lot of work). 

I watched this one on a lark because it has subs. It even has subs for the villain’s evil laugh. In Chinese and English. But they get it wrong. It’s bwahaha, not ha ha ha.

It’s a total Harry Potter rip off - kids at a school for magic - made for tv so the effects are cheesy. The kids wear scarves like in hp, gals dress like they’re in Baby Metal; guys have velvet smoking jackets. They even lift some of the chamber of secrets theme music. The funny thing is that China does understand HP. HP is built on European mythology so china’s take is messed up. I find this fascinating because I wrote a review of Harry Potter for KFM but there’s no Kung fu in HP so I rambled on about Chinese HP rip offs - had to get Tara into that screener somehow. It was the biggest stretch ever to get into a screener.  Here’s the piece -

One gal is a total Chinese Selena Gomez - a nod to wizards of waverly place. She’s the most amusing character, the most voluptuous. The other gal is the awkward nerd, named Hagina. There’s some token Caucasians - they don’t get lines. Everyone wears bad head shop jewelry. Looks like it was mostly filmed in a Chinese Christian Church.

No sword fight but lots of crappy suits of armor. The armor isn’t quite right. The helmets look too small. I’m guessing it’s some Chinese mass produced product. Maybe they’re near the factory.Not DOOM recommended. Only watched this because my ninja site is down.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I'm guessing you meant China "doesn't" get HP.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

That's what I meant to say, yeah, but I've rethought it. But upon re-reading my screener scam story above, I realize HP did well in PRC. The final installment made $29.7 M. So China DOES get HP but they interpret it in a totally different way. Like this movie. It's a whole different trip. 

It reminds me of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. The original did poorly in China. The Netflix sequel was released theatrically in PRC and made $38 M there. It's still the bizarro world.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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