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Coherence (2013) by James Ward Byrkit
Doppelgangers again.

When a comet passes overhead, weird shit happens at a house party.

This movie starts out with several strikes against it: low budget, stage-bound (largely takes place in one house), stupid precipitating event. But it rises above all that with a very smart script, clever dialog, and characters you give a damn about.

This is a great puzzle movie that grows increasingly convoluted as it explores certain aspects of the MWI (Many Worlds Interpretation) of quantum mechanics. Lady Cranefly and I both enjoyed it quite a bit. A great change of pace from action flicks, if you’re needing a breather, and a wonderful mental challenge.

You don't need to know much about quantum mechanics, by the way. I won’t say any more than that. Definitely worth a doppelgander.
I'm nobody's pony.

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