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The Ides of March
An evocative title but kind of misleading. There isn't a single guy named Ceasar in it.

Dreamboat George Clooney is running for the office of President. Dreamboat Ryan Gosling is one of his political advisors. They are in Ohio for the primary. The race is tight between Clooney and his opponent. What will supposedly principled people do to win an election? The answer is anything. It's about the political education of Gosling. The leaders of both teams of political advisors are ably played by Paul Giamatti and Philip Seymour Hoffman in all their oily goodness.

It's a good film but a bit short. It's like it was a good novella rather than a full length novel. When it ended, I was hoping for more. There weren't a lot of different story's to tell only Gosling. And it does end a very interesting note which gives the audience a chance to think. And that can't be good, right?

I say see it on cable.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit

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