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Iron Man II
Less action-packed than IM1, more story, but entertaining throughout. Capable cast (although I'm not big on Samuel Jackson). Downey is still perfect as the snarky Stark. Lots of fun bits. A reasonable sequel, but I think IM1 was a more exciting film.

They did blow it by not having Stark do a "robot dance", but oh well...

Stay through the credits for the IM3 tease.

IMAX or no to IMAX, that is the question facing me tomorrow.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
Oh, thatGuy. IM3 tease? Did you pay attention. That wasn't IM3 they were teasing. I might have to take away your Comic Book Cred.

I liked it. It was funny and Favreau wasn't afraid to blow a lot of things up which is always a good sign. I wondered at the logistics and cost of shooting the race scene in Monte Carlo. The trailers gave away a lot but not quite all, which is always good. Downey does a great job with the Stark character. All the supporting cast did well and I didn't hate Mickey Rourke. As for too much story, how can that be a problem? It's like they started out with big effects in the beginning and they had a big set piece at the end and they did character development in the middle. As opposed to pounding us with effects for the whole film.

It did need more humorous robot arm interaction though. I miss that from the first movie.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
Two thumbs up. It was great fun.

And I seriously enjoyed the Tron trailer! I was ambivalent about them remaking it, but gotta say, I'm *very* intrigued now. :-)
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
The Downey-addict schtick has worn thin on me. And Gwyneth is right up there with Cera on my list of actors that I'd like to punch in the nose for no rational reason. Scarlett as Black Widow was entertaining. Jackson as Nick Fury just ain't working for me. Sgt Fury was one of the comics I actually read as a kid.

Really needed a sword fight.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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