Sick Puppy by Carl Hiassen - Printable Version

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Sick Puppy by Carl Hiassen - The Queen - 10-11-2006

As someone else in the house was on a brief Hiassen kick and I'm always grateful for a paperback I haven't read yet, I got hooked on the hero of Skinny Dip and Skin Tight. Love that Mick Stranahan; the cop who been done wrong by bad people in the system and some how gets away with killing people. Anyway, I remembered I had downloaded the e-book version of Sick Puppy but never read it, so I plowed through that one yesterday and today.

Like other Hiassens, very preachy and heavy on the corruption in Florida government, but I enjoyed the concept of what it might be like to have none of those pesky internal filters or inhibitions that keep you from acting against jerks, regardless of the personal cost - like running someone off the road because they dumped their trash out the car window. And I enjoyed when he wrote things from the dog's point of view.

Dr. Yeti - do you have the 12th Stephanie Plum yet??? :-)

- Dr. Ivor Yeti - 10-12-2006

Yes, Oh Queen, come and gone. Check out my mini review a little farther down the que. How's the back?

Sigh - The Queen - 10-13-2006

I'm being a very good, fiscally responsible girl and waiting for paperback.

The back is a little better, thanks. Yesterday it felt almost normal - this morning it's noticable, but not bad. Heat good. Ibuprofen good. If you know any good exercises I should be doing, let me know!