A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick - Printable Version

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A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick - Drunk Monk - 08-17-2006

Oh, just see the movie. The movie is almost verbatim to the book, save a few deleted scenes and miorn alterations. It actually worked better as a movie for me. The humor came out more in the movie. I don't think I would have even enjoyed the book had I not seen the movie.

as I said before.... - King Bob - 09-21-2006

Dick is much better at short stories than novels. The novels wander. (Not surprising considering his speed intake.) The hardcover collection Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick is excellent. His 1950's work was ahead of its time.

Although I did enjoy Valis. It's like the paranoid version of Illuminatus. Not too long either. I also liked The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch - it has a very interesting take on aliens and drugs.