Year's Best SF, 15th Edition., Edited by Gardner Dozois - Printable Version

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Year's Best SF, 15th Edition., Edited by Gardner Dozois - cranefly - 06-22-2006

Abstract from "Escape Route" by Peter S. Hamilton, p. 184

"Any progress?" Marcus asked.
"A little. From what I can make out, the molecular synthesizer and its governing circuitry are combined within the same crystal lattice. To give you a biological analogy, it's as though a muscle is also a brain."
"Don't follow that one through too far," Roman called.
Karl didn't even smile. He took a chocolate sac from the dispenser, and sucked on the nipple.
= = = = = =
cranefly here. So. What's with chocolate and nipples these days?

Not that I'm complaining...

Hungry for the future, cranefly